Today is Valentine's Day.
Men and women in pink and red aisles at the nearest Walmart.
Couples in love smiling over a Maple Butter Blondie,
snuggling in a booth,
giggling into each other's hair.
Long lines at the movies.
Traffic at every light.
Little hands holding Mama hands,
Candies in pockets and balloons on wrists.
From my booth, slurping up my noodles, and leaning into my husby's arm, this Valentine's Day seems like a happy one for everyone I see. But it's the people I don't see who may not be celebrating.
I remember a time when I didn't want to leave the house on this day--when I grumbled under my breath at every passing hand-holding couple. I remember when I was the girl who didn't have anyone and didn't care...
Only I did.
I only hope that all the people shedding tears today will have a smile a year from now when they're waiting 15 minutes for a table, and then an hour for their food, 5 minutes for a fork, and fending off smoke because the only available table was in the smoking section. I hope there is someone sharing a table with them that makes it all worth it :)
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