Thursday, April 26, 2012


It has been on my heart to serve others lately.  In service to others, we have an opportunity to LOVE them as Jesus did.  What better way is there to minister than the way of Jesus?  He wrote the book on love, and I'm ready to read every page and share it with everybody!  So this is my story:

Last Thursday, one week ago, we went to McDonald's to get some lunch (unhealthy and CHEAP) and this day we had very little money--I think around $20.  

So as we came into the parking lot there was a man holding a sign "On the Road--Anything Will Help".  Probably a high percentage of people would drive by, go into McDonald's, order Extra Value Meals, and never give him another thought.  Instead, my awesome husband went over and invited him to eat lunch with us.  He declined because he had already eaten, but he accepted $2 (which is all Morrel had in his wallet) and a handshake.  We ate our Dollar Menu lunch and got our smiling boy a Happy Meal.  Blessing #1.

On the same day I went to the bank to change our teams Relay for Life money into money orders.  When I got back into my car, I sat and texted someone for a moment, and when I looked up there was a man speaking to me through my window, but I couldn't hear him.  I cautiously cracked my window (because of the money order I just got that was still blank), and he asked if I could help him get a taxi to Carbondale (about 7 miles away).  He said it's about $17, but he didn't expect that from me, but could I help.  He had with him a young girl, about my son's age, in a stroller, in a long sleeve shirt, sweaty, sippy-cup in hand, and crying.  He said his car broke down and he couldn't afford it to be fixed, or to have it towed home, so he didn't have a ride home, and his car was at the wrecker lot.  Well I didn't ask any questions.  He told me everything I needed to know--he needed help, and I had $5 on me.  Blessing #2.

After our McDonald's Dollar Menu lunch, the friendly vet, and the man with the baby and stroller, this happy couple had $2 left to our name.  We were flat broke, but very happy that we were able to help.  

In the last 3 days...
...Someone has GIVEN me a no-strings-attached $100 bill to buy groceries.
...Morrel FOUND a $20 bill on the ground.
...I FOUND a $5 bill on my sons bedroom floor.
...An unexplained $57 was loaded to my Walmart gift card that never left my wallet.

Blessings #3, 4, 5, & 6

Today I had a Relay for Life team meeting in another city--not a nearby city.  I started the drive with a 1/2 tank of gas in my truck, not wanting to take the time to stop on my way out of town, but also not wanting to get gas in the other city because it would be $.20 more expensive.  Until 3 weeks ago I had taken this same drive 5 days a week for 9 months for my job.  I KNOW that I should have been out of gas when I arrived, and would have to get gas before heading home.  Instead of getting gas though, I headed for home.  With every mile I got more and more anxious, but after 30 miles my fuel gauge needled hadn't moved.  Of course I would get home--then I could buy gas for the cheaper price.  But when I arrived home after the 65 mile drive home, the needle STILL HADN'T MOVED!  Not only did I not have to get gas for $.20 MORE in another city, but I didn't have to get it tonight either!  The quarter tank we have will probably last until payday!  Blessing #7.

In 7 days God has shown me His glory 7 times--and I had to share!


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